Today in mental health cat

Things I am thinking about

This is what I'd like to write about in coming days and weeks.

Rust projects

These are the things I'm attempting to stay focused on for learning.


An experiment to run simulations using game engines - initially just adopting ECS, but who knows.


RSS aggregation. This is shaping up to have much more functionality than the MVP, so I need to figure out the MVP.


This is a pure edu thing - working through Mara Bos's excellent book - although I encourage you to buy it if interested) and tryig to follow Will Byrd's (and I guess therefore Dan Friedman's) and making sure I read and understand every line. Also I'm keeping notes on tangential rabbit holes I fully intend to go down later.


Will Byrd has started making a ton of videos, at least one a day it looks like. He makes a distinction early on in his most recent series between a research and an engineering mindset.

This helps me understand the ways in which my worst impulse control lapses can in fact be harnessed. Check out Will's Youtube Channel if you want to consume more of his wisdom - be warned, it is delivered at great length and I think largely to be a forcing function in his daily smorgasbord of rabbit holes.

As well as watching some of Will's channel and trying not to be dragged off into the wonders of scheme programming in emacs (a joy only surpassed by emacs CL support or even Clojure), there is a list of videos and docs I'm working on trying to get a fix on the context in which the C++ (and therefore Rust, to make LLVM an instant resource for optimisations and platform support) memory model, memory ordering in particular, emerged and became standard.

Politics, Ethics, Morality

Yeah. So much to formulate, so I won't busk here. I'll try to keep things short and contained, and even tempered.

This list is not exhaustive